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Dr. Jamie Fettig

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Diet Tips e-Course 2

Weight Loss Doesn't work

Losing weight will never work. Your brain has this really interesting system that is kind of like a search engine on the internet. It is called your RAS for short. A search engine works by typing what you want to find into it and then it goes out on the internet and finds the most relevant web sites for what you want. Your RAS works the same. You put something into your RAS and your brain will literally go out into the world and search for exactly that.

So if you want to "lose weight" your RAS will find exactly that, losing weight. How is this a problem you might be asking? How long can you continue to lose weight? Not for ever that is for sure. So your body must gain weight again so it can continue to lose weight.

The first thing you have to do is put into your RAS what you want. What you focus on is what you put into your RAS. So focus on what you are really after now. Like being thin, Being Slim, Being Toned and Muscular, or whatever it is you want to be. You do not want to "be" losing weight. That is a process to bring you to what you want to be, Slim and Sexy. So focus on being Slim and Sexy. Then your RAS and brain will go out there and find exactly that.

Which means you must focus on being thin, toned, slim, sexy and slender. And the only way to be permanently thin is making sure your weight-o-stat is set to the correct setting you want and by being healthy.

In the next lesson you will learn about your weight-o-stat and how to reset it to the weight you want.

To Being Slim, Sexy, Slender and Healthy for Life


P.S. This is part of a free online e-course that if you are not signed up for, you can sign up for free below to have the courses delivered to your email inbox every other day in easily digestible emails

P.P.S. If you are interested in more great information like this you can find it in my e-book, The Ultimate Non-Diet -- Secrets of Being Slim, Sexy, Slender and Healthy- Shattering the 12 biggest diet myths. You can purchase your copy and get more information at

P.P.P.S. Feel Free to send an email about this course to anyone who you think might enjoy it.

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